In Home Computer Support - Southern Highlands

Matt’s Top 7 IT Help Tasks

1. Startup and shutdown optimisation

This is a process to increase the speed of the desktop or laptop computer. Amongst other things, we identify what processes are slowing down your computer’s startup process and fix them.

2. Clean up Quick Launch and the Taskbar

Your Windows Quick Launch and taskbar can get overcrowded and have buttons that do not always behave as expected.

3. Speed up your browser performance

Slow internet connections are just one of the many factors that contribute to slow and frustrating Internet browsing on your home computer. We can’t do a lot about the NBN speeds, but we fix the rest.

4. Check for and remove spyware, viruses, and malware

Spyware, malware, and virus removal is an important part of our customer service. These types of software can track your web browsing history, steal your passwords, and even take control of your webcam or microphone to spy on you. Accordingly, Cyber Security and best practice management of firewalls are priorities.

5. Make sure your operating system is up to date

Windows is designed to be regularly updated with new features and improvements, so we make sure this is working correctly.

6. Check your wireless network security

Security breaches are on the rise. We check your wireless network security to prevent any unauthorized access to your home network or home server.

7. Set up an easy-to-use backup routine

It’s important to have a regular backup routine in place in case your computer crashes and all of your data is lost. When it comes to backing up your irreplaceable memories, photos, or business documents, using experienced professionals will provide you with total peace of mind and make data recovery a breeze.


Home Office IT Help Tips

If you are working from home as an employee and are likely to need home office IT help, develop a contingency plan:

• If your company offers IT help but you’re remote, keep the contact information for a work colleague who can help you, handy.
• If you don’t have tech support at work, do some research to line up at least one local resource that is available during business hours.
• If you are willing to be flexible on timing, expand your options to include local freelancers who can work nights and weekends.

For many IT professionals, their home office is an extension of their company’s IT infrastructure. For others, however, it is a completely disconnected environment.

Here are five tips for maintaining a workable work-life balance and reducing the cost of repair services when you’re supporting your colleagues from home.

• If you’re working from home, set up a dedicated network for your business and use it exclusively. That way, if an IT emergency strikes, no one else will be affected. You can also designate a second phone line to communicate with other members of the team when needed.
• Make sure you have a reliable Internet connection, especially if you’re working from home on an ongoing basis.
• Keep your computer and phone charger in easy reach when you work at home so that you can get to them quickly when needed. Keep your office as neat and organized as possible, so that you can find things quickly.
• Try to keep your working hours consistent with those of the rest of the team at work, if you’re in a position to do so. You might even want to plan some “off-hours” in the evenings, to allow you to spend time with your family.
• Don’t forget that your colleagues might be using more than one computer at home, so if they have any trouble with their work equipment, it may not just be you having computer problems!

We’re always here to help you, and we encourage you to let us know if there are any issues or questions that arise. Get in touch if you need help for your Home Office.


IT Help for the Self-Employed

If you are self-employed and running your small business from home, you could use IT support options offered directly via your computer manufacturer or find local service providers like Matt’s PC Help online.

That said, most people prefer the security of a personal recommendation. Ask your colleagues, friends, family, and neighbours who they use. (Most of Matt’s new business comes via personal recommendations.)

As you know, when you start running your business, time is money. So, if you have a non-urgent question, contact us via email and include your question in the email subject line.

When you have that needs immediate attention, please call or text us.

• Be patient. When we are busy, it can take an hour or two to reply in person. So please give us some time to respond before contacting us again.

Some tips you may find useful:

• If possible, do your own online research before you call. Aim to be a low-maintenance client – you’ll save money, too 🙂
• Remember that Matt’s extensive experience means he can recommend something as simple as the model and brand of backup hard drive to buy when you want to upgrade. You will only need to make a quick phone call to our call centre or one of our mobile numbers. But, Matt and his team have probably already spent a lot of time researching the market. You will stand out as a client by insisting on paying for this level of expertise.
• If you are an individual or a micro-business operating from home, and you are someone people enjoy working with, your relationships can gratify you both and your suppliers for years to come. So please pay promptly when you receive an invoice.
• We welcome bouquets, as well as brickbats. Matt’s hourly rate is $85+GST an hour, but when the team goes above and beyond and provides great service, feel free to add something extra to your payment, or send a gift card in appreciation. And, of course, if you feel we are not providing you with the excellent service you were expecting, please let us know so we can do something about it.

We all like to do business with real people that we like. And, if you are someone people enjoy working with, your business relationships are gratifying on many levels, so feel free to get in touch.

IT Support For Seniors

Getting IT help for elderly Australians means maintaining their independence and retaining their ability to stay connected with family, friends, and community.

Matt’s PC Help is keenly aware that IT support is essential for many seniors living independently – people who simply need someone to help sort out their computers, iPads / tablets or phones so they can stay in touch with their families – and the rest of the world. Accordingly, Matt does his best to provide a no-fuss, no-hassle, experience for elderly clients.

Day to day services include support and training for:

– Computers
– iPads/Tablets
– Mobile Phones
– Other Technology

But he likes to take things a further, like:

– Setting up your Social Media (e.g. your Facebook Profile) so it is easier for you to connect with family members.
– Showing you how to book and follow up on your Telehealth appointments – including vaccination certificates
– Helping you get your online banking securely sorted out.
– Introducing you to the joys of Online Shopping while avoiding the pitfalls
– Helping you organise your email so you minimise email spam
– Making sure you know how to prevent malicious email messages
– Showing you how to search, compare and buy birthday presents and Xmas gifts – including adding automatic birthday reminders to your online calendar

If modern technology is at all confusing to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Matt.

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